Sweet plum dumplings

I just can’t find the perfect theme for my blog. I love that one as is simple but I wish my photos to be bigger. Just a little bit 🙂 I love bigger ones. Actually I love photos. Since ever. More than any text that was ever written.


Squash or pumpkin soup plus sweet plum dumplings and here is easy, simple but tasty lunch.

b0lmash potato made of 500 g potatoes 
1 slice butter
1 egg
1 cup white all-purpose flour
small pinch of nutmeg 
10 plums

Mix mash potato with butter, egg, flour and nutmeg with large wooden spoon in a nice and firm mas. Split it in 10 pieces. Fill each of it with plum – if they aren’t sweet enough add some sugar. Cook them in large pot (about 5 L) of salted water for about 10-15 minutes.

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup bread crumbs
4 spoons vanilla sugar

Meanwhile melt butter in shallow pan and roast bread crumbs in it. When brown add vanilla sugar and cinnamon. Add some sugar if like. Spread plum dumplings in it and serve.

Have a nice day!


  1. Your sweet plum dumplings are gorgeous. I don’t think I’ve ever tried one…oh boy! What am I missing out?! I better jump on the bandwagon and try some soon.

    Yes, I love your pictures too. Wonderful photography on your blog, as always. Have a great day.

    1. Thank you Amy!! Just PLEASE don’t jump, these are too easy to prepare 🙂
      And thanks for that compliment – I adore your photos too!

  2. I know exactly how you feel with those themes…simply toooooo many to choose from. You images are lovely just the way they are presented.
    I solved the choosing problem by running more than one blog 😀
    Did I tell you I’d love to have four of these delicious looking dumplings delivered by mail order tomorrow morning for breakfast?! – Ah, I wish!! Unfortunately in my home no one ever made anything like this…so I’ll have to get up and try myself!

    1. Maybe you are right, too many to chose from 🙂 I barely find time for one, can’t imagine to take care of more than one. You are so funny 😀
      Unfortunately we eat them all, so there is no chance to send you… next time? 😉

  3. well, as a consumer of these wonderful dumplings, all I can say is – DELICIOUS! 😉

    1. I notice that 😉

  4. Looks lovely! I’ve never had a plum dumpling. The combination of ingredients sounds very good.

    1. They absolutely are good 😉

  5. sweet plums + dumplings?! = genius!! what a great idea. I can taste the tart from your photos!

    1. Sorry to disappoint you – that was not my idea.. Its ‘just’ a traditional recipe;)
      I am kind a surprised that so many of you don’t know it…

  6. Thank you for stopping by and following Vikalinka! Your photos are absolutely gorgeous!

    1. It was/is my pleasure 😉 Thank you for that kind words and for stopping by!

  7. Sounds very interesting. I’ve never made this before. Love your pictures. You have a talent for taking mouthwatering pictures. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words Tickledpink! I am glad you like them. You do wonderful job as well!

  8. I like the soft natural light in these shots! Thanks for following my blog too!

    1. Oops!, I meant thanks for liking one of my food pic posts!! lol

  9. Irena, I am LOVING your blog! Your composition, lighting, photography in general is just stunning. Can I ask what kind of camera you use? And can you come take photos for my blog? 🙂

    1. Thank you Erika, so nice to hear that from someone that owns such a beautiful blog! It is no secret, I use Nikon (ok I borrow it from S. as I don’t have my own yet 😉 )

      1. Hmm like a Nikon 1? Well, whatever the camera is, the eye behind it is very skilled!

      2. Nikon 1 is a cute little thing but unfortunately is not mine. Do you have it? Thank you so much for so nice compliment, too kind of you!

  10. Beautiful photos and lovely recipe. Yum

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