French salad & bread cups

When I was a kid, there were no new year party without French salad. And Wiener schnitzel. But for last 2 decades nobody would eat such food with lots of fat.

Funny but this year everyone love it again. Retro is chic. And I am a BIG fan of replicas and retro things.

This is my version of that recipe:



300 g flour (half white half buckwheat)
1/2 teaspoon salt
20 g yeast
1 spoon sugar
3 spoons olive oil
1 spoon sunflower seeds
warm water

Mix  yeast, warm (not hot) water and white sugar together in a large bowl. Set aside for five minutes, or until mixture becomes foamy.

Stir flour, salt, olive oil and sunflower seeds with the yeast mixture. Gradually mix with the 2-3 cups of hot water. Knead dough for 5 to 10 minutes or until it is smooth and rubbery. Place in an oiled bowl and cover with linen dish towel. Rise it for one hour on warm place – until the dough has doubled in size.


Bake it in a large muffin tray for about 1/2 hour at 180 C. When baked cut the tops of each bread muffin and scoop out the core:

kruhove kosarice3

While bread is in the oven prepare French salad:

3 potatoes
3 carrots
1-2 cup green peas and sweet corn
1-2 cucumber

1 cup homemade mayonnaise

Crop also potatoes and carrots into a small cubes. Cook them with green peas in a salted water and chill it when cooked, then chill down. Crop the cucumber into a small cubes.

For the homemade mayonnaise we need:

1 cup nut milk

tbsp ground mustard

1 slice lemon

1 pinch of ground pepper

1 tbsp dried parsley

1/2 cup olive oil

1/2 – 1 cup cashews

Use your blender to mix nut milk, ground mustard and lemon juice. Slowly add olive oil, spoon by spoon. Add parsley and ground pepper to taste. As such mayo in quite thin, add socked and blended cashews to get it thick and nice.


In a large bowl stack cooked potatoes, carrots, peas, eggs and cucumbers. Add mayonnaise, senf, parsley, pepper, lemon juice and stir it. Fill chilled bread cups with it.

Have a happy new year 2013!!!



  1. Those are so cute and look like they taste great! 🙂

    1. nancyc thank you very much 😉

  2. These are so amazing! Great looking, big surprise and I bet extra yummy as well!

    1. Thanks! Exactly like that 😉

  3. That looks so cute! Good things come in small size 🙂

    1. thanks. that is so true 😉

  4. Beautiful photography- and I love it when things are served in bread cups or bowls— YUM!

    1. Thank you!
      Bread cups are such a cute useful thing: don’t need to be washed after use, ecological as you don’t throw anything away and there is no need for additional sides!

  5. candy2me · · Reply

    Too cute & too delicious i believe!

  6. miaistraveling · · Reply

    You have a wonderful photography!

  7. The traditional Finnish New Year’s fare is potato salad and sausages, Your salad is bit similar to it 🙂 Delicious!

  8. What a fabulous idea – bravo! Fantastic photos, as well.

    1. Thank you so much for that! Have a nice day… 😉

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