
I enjoy when my brother comes around for a dinner. It is so much fun! The other day I asked him what would like for a desert this time. It was Tiramisu again 🙂 Served with sweet white vine is not that bad…


I loved BIG blackboards since I was little. When I’ll have mine each child’s room will have one wall completely covered with it. There is a specific reason for that 🙂 As a kid I loved to draw. My parents frequently bought me a new set of colors and paper bouquet but I was out of paper pretty soon. Without paper I had to continue on my room’s walls 🙂 Which means we repaint in at least every 3 months 🙂


As I don’t like raw eggs, I am so thankful for that recipe:

3 egg yolks
4 spoons sugar
pinch of salt
6 spoons Marsala 
2 cups mascarpone cheese
1 cup whipped cream (optional) 

Mix egg yolks, sugar, salt and vine in a large bowl. Cook it on a water bath for about 15 minutes. Use whisk to mix it all the time. Make sure that water is not too hot as you don’t want scramble eggs at the end but nicely cooked cream. Cool it down, then mix mascarpone cheese into it. Adding whipped cream is up to you.

You’ll also need 1 large packet of sponge fingers/ladyfingers, 2 cups of strong coffee, 2 vanilla sugars and chocolate shaves to decorate.

Have a nice evening!


  1. Ooooo – looks scrumptious! I found a small carton of tiramisu cheese in the supermarket a few weeks ago. It was coffee-flavored mascarpone mostly, but it went great on my cinnamon rolls, which are not terribly sweet. Also good spread on Graham crackers. When the cinnamon rolls get more than a few days old, I slice them thinly and slow bake them in the toaster oven until they are crispy. They keep really well this way and make a great snack. Now, back to the tiramisu cheese – these little cinnamon crisps were just the thing to poke into that luscious dip.

    1. Thank you judilyn! Cinnamon crisps and tiramisu cheese sound lika a great combination 😉

  2. Delicious. Love your photos too. They are clean simple and good composition. Congrats!

    1. I’m glad you like them. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Oh Oh. I think I have died and gone to heaven! I want to walk into your pictures and sit down. I’ve been trying to watch what I eat. But I’ve want to try this.

    1. Thank you so much for such sweet words! I wish I could serve you a piece!

  4. Such beautiful pictures!

    1. Sani panini thank you for that! Thanks for stoppin by!

  5. I love tiramisu! Yours looks delicious 😀 I like your chalkboard. My daughter loves to write and draw so she has one in her room. It’s fun to see what she comes up with 🙂

    1. Thanks Cindy 😉 Chalkboar are gread, I’m glad your little one like hers and that she is creative allready – just like her mum 😉

  6. Thanks for taking a peek at my little blog. I absolutely LOVE your photos in this post. I want to eat it right off the computer screen. and chalkboards – yes please!

    1. It was my pleasure 😉
      Please don’t eat the computer as it takes less than 1/2 hour to prepare that 😉

  7. That looks delish! And we have some lonely lady fingers rolling around… Love the chalkboard too! I’m with you on having one for the kids’ room(s). Found out there’s chalkboard PAINT! As in you can paint the whole wall to be a chalkboard! Best. Idea. Ever.

    1. Thank you! Don’t let them be lonely for too long 😉
      I know about that paint, it is magnificent idea! It is just that S. is not in to it jet, so I’ll have to wait for a little while..

  8. How much is a “spoon”? Tablespoon? Teaspoon?

  9. Sean, thank you for heads up – it is a tablespoon. Thank you for stopping by.

  10. Your tiramisu is absolutely beautiful! Oh, that big black board at the back is so nice. Perfect for drawing and let the creativity runs!

    1. Amy thank for stopping by! I totally agree, let the creativity runs! 😉

  11. I really love it, so cute and delicious 🙂

    1. Thank you fenerllyim!

  12. The tiramisu does look good indeed! I am not much of a baker or dessert maker but would love to try out this recipe. Thanks.

    1. Kanchi I am glad you like it! Tiramisu is so easy to prepare, you should give it a try!

  13. Great recipe! I like tiramisu with Kahlua 😉

    1. Kahlua is a very good idea for next time 😉 Thanks for stopping by…

  14. I loved how you put it together, so pretty!

  15. Amazing picture!!
    I love Tiramisù… ^_^

    1. Thank you! It is difficult not to like it 😉

  16. Absolutely beautiful, Love your photos and the tiramisu looks delicious…as do all your creations!

  17. […] Oh this looks fabulous! Tiramisu […]

  18. looks awesome! i love your tiramisu and pictures 🙂 at my place, mascarpone cheese is quite expensive, then i often use creamcheese instead. It still has good taste 🙂

  19. […] think of many heavenly desserts…but I would have to put Tiramisu right on the top tier cloud! Irena & Dots has a fabulous and scrumptious version just waiting for you.  By the way…the presentation is […]

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